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Mableton Accessible Shower Installation

Sometimes when we get older our range of motion declines through the natural aging process. Some of us have health conditions that can make getting around safely difficult. Some even need another person’s assistance to shower.

Mableton Accessible Shower Installation iStock 1284088093 300x200Installing an accessible shower is a great way to accomodate family members with mobility issues. The added safety features and the removal of barriers make accessible showers a safety and functionality essential.

Trust the bathroom remodeling pros at Atlanta Bath Remodel Company to handle your accessible shower installation project with care and attention to detail.

We will listen to your concerns and your unique accessibility issues and design a solution that serves you well.

Call Atlanta Bath Remodel Company at (678) 661-6754 for your shower installation needs.

In our experience, here are some of the most important features of accessible showers;

Wide Shower Entrance

It must be noted that accessible shower setups are specifically designed for individuals with disabilities, especially those who use a wheelchair. Hence, for the entrance, it is important to make sure that the individual or individuals who are to use it would easily be able to get into the shower without any complexities of transfer and without assistance.

A choice between curtains or glass entrance

Mableton Accessible Shower Installation iStock 1273394437 300x191To improve the ease of entrance and exit from the shower, many clients choose to install shower curtains instead of shower doors. However, there are still some clients who want shower doors to be installed instead for the sake of design and improved ambiance.

Nonetheless, we will consult with you to make sure your choice serves your safety concerns and the aesthetic concerns.

Zero threshold entrance

For people with mobility issues, it is essential to avoid unnecessary steps just to get into the shower. This is why we at Atlanta Bath Remodel Company make sure that the accessible showers we install are designed with zero threshold entrance.

Adjustable Shower Seat

For low-budget projects, clients often just ask for wooden or metal benches. But you should know that there are dangers to these removable benches that might slip out from underneath a person. We’ve found it more beneficial to build in benches.

Some even have pop up features, so they can be folded safely away when other family members are using the shower.

Handheld Shower Head

A handheld shower head makes it easy for the water to reach all over the body for bathing. That way a person who is seated, or simply is unable to bend down or turn around comfortably, can use the shower safely and conveniently.

Shower Control Panel

It is essential that the a person be able to reach the shower controls when they are bathing. Moving the contral panel lower can make it accessible to people in wheelchairs or sitting on a bench in the shower.

Easy to Reach Storage

Everything in an accessible shower should be within reach, including storage cabinets where towels are often placed. Soap niches, shampoo container holders, and all other materials used for bathing should be placed in safe and reachable storage areas.

Non-Slippery Shower FlooringMableton Accessible Shower Installation iStock 166269712 300x200

Accessible shower installation projects are focused on safety. Hence, slippery or glossy flooring is completely discouraged. It is advised that matte or textured finish be chosen as a specific flooring choice for these types of shower setups. Regular maintenance is critical when it comes to keeping the safety and integrity of this type of flooring.

We are Open for Free Consultation

Mableton Accessible Shower Installation logo main finalIf your are considering an accessible shower installation project, it is essential for the safety of your family and the funtion of your shower to contact a professional bathroom remodeler.

We at Atlanta Bath Remodel Company make sure that the needs of all our clients are properly met. We listen to your concerns and offer helpful suggestions to make sure you get the most from your accessible shower installation.

If you have questions on this project, please do not hesitate to call or email us. We would be more than glad to offer you the help that you need. We hope to hear from you soon.

Call Atlanta Bath Remodel Company at (678) 661-6754 now to get a free consultation with one of our Accessible Shower Installation Experts!